Go Abroad and Met my Goal!!

Good morning happy people, It's Sunday and let's refresh our self :)

I just share about my amazing experience that I learned from my journey when go abroad. Alhamdulillah from this experience, Allah gives me chance to learn about life specially goal of live. When I stayed in Japan, sometimes I'm so confusing, insecure, and overthinking about life, for example : can I don't hassle some one? ; the people is happy / not near me? ; can I give positive feedback to scholarship institution?; why I often 'sambat' and not be grateful and patience? etc.

Why I'm not enjoy my life?

Because, I always listen & sometimes overthinking about  people say, perspective, insight, non verbal  expression etc. Even though, as muslimah we are known the goal of muslim/ah just one, worship to Allah and let's focus on the next goal (akhirat). 

The one can judging just Allah. Why I'm so scared if Allah always with me. And it selfreminder to me for learn what Islamic teach to us and self-improve servant. May Allah with me and gives me faith to remember Him.

Thanks to Allah, and the other kind people who come to my life, give advices, spirit &  helped to me, Barakallah.

Alhamdulillah, Big thanks to Allah

Alhamdulillah around 2019 I get many experience that expected and didn't expect. I try to rewind in this blog, to appreciate my self :

1. Januari :
Internship at BPTP Jateng ( I get the experience & knowledge about the work situation in governer Agricultural sector Indonesia)
2. February - March :
- Prepare for invention in Shanghai / Malaysia ( It's a choice, and I think its my new experience to learn more about go to abroad)
- Academic : I try to did'nt sleep in the class, but I made this mistake again. I try to make priority time, but I made mistake again. And I'm late to come to class
- Do the best in PHBD opportunity at comdev, SIM. Qadarullah, our team didn't get the PHBD program
3. April - May :
- Do the best for Firest B team. Alhamdulillah we got gold medal (I learn more about international trends n research, met the elementary students in Malaysia who always happy and enjoy this invention, MasyaAllah)
- Evaluate the journey in invention. We were do mistake in some procedure & we're less tawakal :((
- Alhamdulillah, ramadhan. I met many friends to go to mosque and tadarus Al Quran
- I can finished my internship report
4. Juni-July :
- Alhamdulillah I finished my semester class, do the best in academic examination (be confident n didn't cheat). But again some mistake I do. Some of practicum citation, copas my friends report, I think I'm not all out when ikhtiar. Sadnesss :(((
- My friends are KKN, and I'm so lonely. Because I plan to get GC awardee in July period, but I didn't get it. I evaluate my self and finding the mentor for GC selection
- I try new challenges to go conference in Bali. I'm so enjoyed to learn conference and meet many panutan friends who have many achievement and bussines. In this journey, I found the mean of "Happy" , I didn't get that when vacation in some places. I evaluate my process & my attitude, i made some mistake again, so saddd :(((
5. August - September :
- I joined the lecture research, about forestry

Be Authentic and be yourself

 I know that is like the conventional journaling medium shifted to the digital footprint. In my assumption, there are few readers in this bl...