Plant Tissue Culture


Hii Everyone. Its the randomly post which I'm getting curious w/ Plant tissue culture. I think it's the awesome experience practically Plant Tissue Culture. Honestly, I'm waiting so long time since SHS, bcs I'm getting curious with tissue culture technology both in biotech and in molecular biology. I know the practicum just the basic knowledge of plant tissue culture *w/improper lab-tech hahaa, so sorry. However, I'm enjoying this experience. 

Thanks for the opportunity to learn basic tissue culture. Hopefully, Indonesian horticulture and floriculture can implement the effectiveness of plant tissue technology. Asap Indonesian farmer must be implement the this technology w/ the high rate acceptance and R n D.

Materi kuljar disini... Kuljar

Mahasit Lulus 2020


Cooking Time

 my SHS cooking creation. It's old but I'm enjoyed that kitchen ambience 

Self healing : Coba Lagi. Rebuilt your Grit, right now

 Haii readers.. I just wanna share, random things in my mind :((

Idk why I share this post :((. I just wanna self healing my self from scholarship rejected in the end of selection stage.

So. This morning I got the email from BPI (Beasiswa Pendidikan Indonesia)  and unfortunately I got this email :))

What must I do? Read ur Grit mapping. Just reading this quotes "It's doing what you love, but not just falling in love - it's also staying in love.  -Angela Duckworth

Please rebuilt ur Grit. Make sure u have passion and perseverance to make it true. Therefore, enthusiasm and endurance is the key of this way. 

Ur love

My self. Hafnium

Stronger than the character of Hf chemical element

U're not only at the 72 atomic number, but also in my self

Kumpulan File LKTI SMP & SMA (Full paper, kuisionerr, PPT, Brosur)

Haii Readers... Terimakasi sudah mampir k blog pribadiku :) 

Berkat bersih-bersih file d laptop. Nemu lumayan banyak file pribadi LKTI (sosial dan IPA). 

Pada zaman SMP SMA gatau kenapa, suka banget ikut KIR. Sama normalnya kayak yang lain, ada lomba yang juara dan engga :)). Meanwhile, drpada file nya dibuang ke recycle bin, lebih baik aku share aja. 
Barangkali bermanfaat buat gambaran bikin LKTI / pengembangan ide boleh bngtt.

 Feel free di download  & share ke sesama teman2 KIR SMP-SMA ya guyss. 

Oiya, menurutku untuk ide LKTI ini prefer dipakai anak SMP aja yaa :)). Soalnya ide2 & kaidah keilmiahan anak SMA zaman sekarang dah lebih advance drpada zamanku yg masih ilmiah ala kadarnya (:

Klik linknya di sini ya guysss, salam ilmiah :)). Anw, filenya format Rar ya.. jd perlu di download dlu :)


Be Authentic and be yourself

 I know that is like the conventional journaling medium shifted to the digital footprint. In my assumption, there are few readers in this bl...