cows burp the heating of the earth (sendawa sapi si pemanas bumi)

hi my friends know not to animals that belch more frequently than men?

yup, one hundred cows moooo answer .... * hahah

they are a cow, a cow in a day can give off gas approximately 2 units of refrigerator you know ..

composition of cows belching methane gas instead of air it. cow per day can produce methane substance roughly 187 a 1.5 liter plastic bottles.

why yes? want to know?

cows are herbivores that eat grass. whereas most of the grass eaten by cows that contain cellulose which can not be described. because cows digest grass using ruminant ruminant animals have different digestive systems in mammals generally. they can not digest cellulose substances. but cellulose can be described using the help of bacteria. but the problem of methane with carbon dioxide causes global warming. could well be a cow heheh cause global warming. but if we can capitalize on the gas it wisely. maybe we will be grateful to the cow Mooo. for example, a collection of methane gas that had been expelled cows 10 cows can warm a small house on a yearly wkakak. with the application of burping cows to heat their homes will help us in addressing global warming heheh ^ ^

hai kawan-kawan pada tau gak hewan yang bersendawa lebih sering dari manusia?
yup, seratus jawabannya sapi moooo....*hahah
mereka adalah sapi, dalam sehari seekor sapi dapat menyemburkan gas kira-kira sebanyak 2 unit kulkas lho..
komposisi sendawa sapi bukan udara melainkan gas metana. dalam sehari sapi dapat memproduksi zat metana kira-kira 187 botol plastik berukuran 1,5 liter. 
kenapa ya? mau tau?

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