- Bird's nest soup: this is not a regular bird nest soup. These sea birds which nest in the cliffs behind. petrel seabirds eat a variety of seaweed, and her bird's nest in the sticky. increasingly sticky saliva, the better the quality of the nest.
- Eye Soup mosquitoes: Have you ever thought of mosquitoes caught his eye and pick one by one?. probably was not going to. then how ya do? reputedly bats that eat mosquito mosquito is digesting the eye. eye so that mosquitoes will come out with their droppings, bat droppings used so * hueeks. have collected dirt, then washed with water and mosquitoes in the selected currency for soup.
hmmmm how ya feel? dare to try .... wkwkwkwk :P:P:P

- sup sarang burung walet: ini bukan sup burung walet biasa. ini burung walet laut yg tertinggal di tebing. burung laut petrel memakan berbagai macam rumput laut, lalu di buatnya sarang burung walet yang lengket. makin lengket air liur, maka makin baik juga kualitas sarangnya.
- Susep mata nyamuk: pernahkan anda berpikir menangkap nyamuk lalu mencongkeli mata nya satu per satu?. gak bakal mungkin lah. lalu gimana ya caranya? konon kelelawar yang memakan nyamuk tidak mencerna mata nyamuk. jadi mata nyamuk itu akan keluar bersama kotorannya, jadi yang dipakai kotorannya kelelawar* hueeks. telah kotoran dikumpulkan, lalu di cuci dengan air dipilih mata nyamuknya lalu di buat sup.
hmmmm gimana ya rasanya?? silahkan coba....wkwkwkwk
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