Agriculture in Japan

What a fun day... I write a blog and write Agriculture in Japan Waowwwww. I'm so amazed with my self can write it with out 'mager' eheeehee. O iyaa... pardon me, I write it in KKN Posko, so ASAP I will revision my post with paper which I got from Sensei.

In my opinion, Japan is leading agriculture in Asia. There are many IOT used for agriculture sector.  I'm so interesting with Japan agriculture when I'm join Summer Course program in Mechanical Engineering and Biosystem, IPB . If u wanna know more about that, u can visit my post    and agriculture topic n materials in

One day, my Sensei gave us time to sightseeing Field Laboratory in Agriculture. If you're Agriculture UNS Students, it likened Jumantono. In the laboratory there are many students who practical and learn. In there are many facilities ex : composting area, tools and equipments for practical, stock of fertilizer (organic & non organic), green house with specific function (ex : temperature control and have specific degree; humidity control; light and wave of photosynthesis control; soil moisture, agricultural machine etc).

You know lahh yaaa, 'semakin beragam fasilitas, semakin mempermudah kita untuk belajar dan menyerap ilmunya. Apalagi di sana rumah kacanya bener2 bnyak bangettt, terawat, bersih, dan perlakuannya spesifik. Jadi yaa, research yang  dilakukan keakuratannnya lebih tinggi hehee :) .
Semoga kedepan, universitas2 di Indonesia memiliki teknologi yang bagus juga untuk media pembelajaran, amiiinn. Oiyaa.. disini ada kayak tempat penyimpanan hasil biotechnology. Unfortunately, kita ga masuk ke sana hehhee :)))'

And now, Agriculture  Japan have goal for realize industry 6.0
What is that? Please searching by your self :v. Because I don't know too wqwqqq  (sama2 belajarr)

This is link to explore of agriculture technology

Composting area in field laboratory, composting taken 1 year

warehouse practicum equipment

Green house

Specific treatment for light

Machine agriculture

Biogenetic area

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