Every one can join, We are learn together, prepare, practice, share n let's go abroad. Just enjoy

Heloo guys, long time no see & posting in my blog :)))

Right now, I sharing about Learn Together Group. This group made for a circle to pass UGC selection 2020. We meet awardee UGC and candidate awardee. 

Check it out about :
1. Background
Initiate from the un available of the Global Challenge preparation group. Personally, I am looking for a mentor who can provide views, suggestions, and a support system for confidence. Then, I contact some of the awardee UGC 2019 to offer mentoring activity. 
2. Founder
This group initiate by 
  • Hafni Amalia (Internship Graduate School Tohoku University, Japan. 2019), 
  • Edo Riyandani (Research internship, Kaohsiung Medical University, 2019), 
  • Beauty Martha (Internship Graduate School Tohoku University, Japan. 2019),
  • Desta Prasanthi (Internship Dakota University, America, 2019)
3. Vision & mission
Mentoring participant to get UGC scholarship 2020

4. Main Activity:
There are many activities in online group, like improve english in daily life, sharing online awardee UGC, make timeline.
  • Improve english in daily life. We improved english in daily life can be started from read and speak news, watching movie, sing a song etc. Lets enjoy learning english.
  • Sharing online awardee UGC. In here, there are 2 sharing session. First from Edo Riyandani, seond from Desta. This is the minutes sharing link, Minutes Sharing Awardee . You can open and download. Ps : You must use email @student.uns.ac.id for access this gdrive
  • Make timeline. Timeline can make us more discipline and in the progress track. This is Timeline link, Timeline Strategy Ps : You must use email @student.uns.ac.id for access this gdrive
  • Mentoring candidate and interview. This part only FP UGC candidate and Anthropology education join this session. We are coaching, doing support, giving advice, and doing simulation interview. This session held by  offline (in Cafedangan) and online via WA.
5. Conclusion :
From the information, all of FP UGC candidate accepted as UGC awardee. But because Pandemic Covid 19, this activity must held via online. So some awardee not continue their UGC Program.

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