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Tulip Flower |
Movement of plant
1. Gerak Esionom
Gerak esionom adalah
gerak yang dipengaruhi oleh rangsang yang berasal dari luar tubuh tumbuhan.
Berdasarkan arah geraknya, gerak esionom dibedakan atas gerak nasti, gerak
tropisme, dan gerak taksis.
1. Gerak Nasti
Gerak nasti adalah
gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan yang arahnya tidak ditentukan atau ditujukan ke
atau dari sumber rangsang. Rangsang tersebut dapat berupa sentuhan, suhu,
cahaya, dan kelembaban. Berdasarkan jenis rangsang yang memengaruhi, gerak
nasti dibedakan menjadi termonasti, seismonasti, niktinasi, dan nasti kompleks.
merupakan gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh rangsang berupa suhu.
Contoh termonasti yang terjadi di daerah dingin, misalnya bunga tulip, bunga
crokus, dan bunga Sakura. yang membuka karena pengaruh suhu. Bunga-bunga
tersebut mengembang jika mengalami kenaikan suhu (musim semi). Jika suhu
menurun maka bunga-bunga tersebut akan menutup lagi.
adalah gerak yang melibatkan sebagian atau seluruh bagian tumbuhan karena
pengaruh rangsang berupa cahaya. Contoh fotonasti adalah menguncupnya bunga
pukul empat (Mirabilis jalapa) pada waktu matahari terbenam.
Seismonasti atau Tigmonasti
adalah gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh rangsang sentuhan atau
getaran. Untuk memahami pengertian gerak seismonasti pada tumbuhan dapat kamu
lakukan dengan mengamati tanaman putri malu (Mimosa pudica). Jika
daun tanaman putri malu disentuh maka daun tersebut akan menutup dan terjadi dalam
waktu singkat sekitar 1-2 detik. Untuk kembali ke posisi semula, tumbuhan putri
malu membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 10 menit. Mekanisme gerak ini juga
disebabkan oleh pengaruh perubahan tekanan.
niktinasti adalah gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh rangsang dari
lingkungan di malam hari atau biasa disebut gerak tidur tumbuhan. Contoh gerak
niktinasti adalah gerak menutupnya daun pada tumbuhan pada malam hari.
Nasti kompleks
nasti kompleks adalah gerakan sebagian tubuh tumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh
lebih dari satu macam rangsang. Contoh gerak nasti kompleks adalah gerak
membuka dan menutupnya stomata karena pengaruh cahaya matahari, zat kimia, dan
2. Gerak Tropisme
Tropisme adalah gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan
menuju atau menjauhi rangsang. Tropisme yang menuju sumber rangsang merupakan
gerak positif, sedangkan yang menjauhi rangsang adalah negatif. Berdasarkan
jenis rangsang yang memengaruhinya, tropisme dapat dibedakan menjadi fototropisme,
kemotropisme, hidrotropisme, geotropisme, heliotropisme, dan tigmotropisme.
adalah gerak tumbuhan yang terjadi akibat pengaruh arah datangnya rangsang
berupa cahaya matahari. Selain
itu, fototropisme ini berkaitan erat dengan zat tumbuh yang terdapat
pada ujung tumbuhan yang disebut auksin. Pada sisi batang yang terkena
cahaya, zat tumbuh lebih sedikit daripada sisi batang yang tidak terkena
cahaya. Akibatnya, sisi batang yang terkena cahaya mengalami pertumbuhan lebih
lambat daripada sisi batang yang tidak terkena cahaya sehingga batang membelok
ke arah cahaya. Fototropisme dibagi menjadi dua,
Fototropisme positif, adalah gerak tanaman menuju ke arah datangnya cahaya. Contoh:
daun pohon mangga yang membelok menuju ke arah datangnya cahaya.
Fototropisme negatif, adalah gerak tanaman atau bagian tanaman menjauhi arah
datangnya cahaya. Contoh: Gerak ujung akar yang menjauhi arah datangnya cahaya.
adalah gerak sebagian tubuh tumbuhan ke arah sumber rangsang yang berupa bahan
kimia. Contoh: Gerakan akar
yang menuju unsur hara atau pupuk dalam tanah.
adalah gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh air. Peristiwa
hidrotropisme, misalnya pada gerak akar tumbuhan menuju sumber air. Contoh: Gerakan akar
kaktus untuk mencari air.
ialah gerak bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh gaya gravitasi. Gerak ini
terjadi pada akar dan batang tumbuhan. Berdasarkan arah gerak terhadap
gravitasi, geotropisme dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu:
Geotropisme positif, adalah gerak yang menuju ke pusat bumi. Contoh: Gerak
pertumbuhan akar.
Geotropisme negatif, adalah gerak yang menjauhi gaya gravitasi bumi. Contoh:
Gerak pertumbuhan batang tumbuhan.
Tigmotropisme adalah gerak yang disebabkan adanya
rangsangan berupa sentuhan benda yang lebih keras. Misalnya: Gerak pada sulur
anggur. Apabila sulurnya menyentuh benda keras seperti tonggak kayu, maka akan
terjadi kontak sehingga sulur akan melilit kayu tersebut. Adanya sentuhan
merangsang sel-sel tumbuh dengan kecepatan yang berbeda. Pertumbuhan sel-sel
pada daerah yang bersentuhan lebih
lambat daripada sel-sel pada bagian lainnya sehingga memungkinkan sulur dapat
tumbuh melilit. Tigmotropisme memungkinkan tumbuhan memanjat dengan
bantuan objek lain sebagai penyangga pada waktu tumbuh ke arah cahaya matahari.
3. Gerak Taksis
Gerak taksis adalah
gerak pindah tempat seluruh atau sebagian tubuh tumbuhan menuju atau menjauhi
rangsang. Berdasarkan jenis rangsang
yang memengaruhinya, taksis dapat
dibedakan menjadi
fototaksis dan kemotaksis.
Fototaksis adalah
gerak pindah tempat seluruh bagian tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh rangsang
cahaya. Contoh:
1. Euglena yang
dikenai cahaya akan bergerak pindah tempat menuju ke arah datangnya cahaya.
2. Gerak kloroplas ke
sisi sel yang memperoleh cahaya.
Kemotaksis adalah
gerak seluruh tubuh tumbuhan karena pengaruh rangsang zat kimia. Contoh:
1. Bakteri oksigen
yang bergerak ke tempat-tempat yang banyak mengandung oksigen.
2. Spermatozoid pada
Arkegonium lumut-lumutan dan paku-pakuan yang bergerak karena tertarik
oleh zat gula atau protein.
2. Gerak Endonom
Endonom Gerak
endonom adalah gerak tumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh rangsangan atau
faktor-faktor yang berasal dari dalam tumbuhan itu sendiri. Gerak endonom disebut juga autonom. Contoh: Nutasi Gerak spontan dari tumbuhan yang tidak
disebabkan adanya rangsangan dari luar. Misalnya: Gerakan aliran sitoplasma
pada tanaman air Hydrilla verticillata
3. Gerak Higroskopis
Gerak bagian tumbuhan yang terjadi karena adanya
perubahan kadar air pada tumbuhan secara terus menerus, akibatnya kondisi
menjadi sangat kering pada kulit buah atau kotak spora sehingga kulit biji atau
kotak spora pecah. Misalnya:
Pecahnya kulit buah polong-polongan (lamtoro, kembang merak, kacang buncis,
kacang kedelai). Hal ini disebabkan berkurangnya air pada kulit buah. Kulit
buah menjadi kering, retak dan akhirnya pecah sehingga bijinya terpental ke
luar. Pecahnya kulit buah dan terpentalnya biji sebenarnya merupakan cara
tumbuhan tersebut memencarkan alat perkembangbiakannya. Gerak higroskopis juga
terjadi pada membukanya kotak spora (sporangium) tumbuhan paku (Pteridophyta)
dan lumut (Bryophyta)
Movement of plant
Movement of plant
A. Motion Esionom
Esionom motion is motion that is influenced by stimuli from outside of a plant. Under the direction of its motion, the motion on the motion nasti esionom distinguished, tropism motion, and motion taksis.
A. Motion Nasti
Nasti motion is motion of parts of a plant whose direction is not specified or directed to or from the source of stimulation. These stimuli may include touch, temperature, light, and moisture. Based on the type of stimuli that influence, the motion can be divided into termonasti nasti, seismonasti, niktinasi, and nasti complex.
a. Termonasti
Termonasti moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of temperature stimuli. Termonasti examples that occur in cold regions, such as tulips, flowers crokus, and Sakura flowers. is open because of the influence of temperature. The flowers expand if the temperature rise (spring). If the temperature is decreased then the flowers will close again.
b. Fotonasti
Fotonasti is a motion that involves some or all parts of the plant due to the influence of light stimuli. Menguncupnya fotonasti example is four o'clock flower (Mirabilis Jalapa) at the time of sunset.
c. Seismonasti or Tigmonasti
Seismonasti moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of touch or vibration stimuli. To understand the sense of movement in plants seismonasti can you do to observe the shy daughter plant (Mimosa pudica). If it leaves untouched the shy daughter plants will close and the leaves occur in a short time of about 1-2 seconds. To return to its original position, shy daughter plants takes about 10 minutes. Mechanism of motion is also caused by the influence of pressure changes.
d. Niktinasti
Niktinasti motion is motion of parts of a plant due to the influence of environmental stimuli in the evening or so-called sleep movements of plants. Examples niktinasti motion is the motion to close the leaves on the plants at night.
e. Nasti complex
Nasti complex motion is the movement of a plant part caused by more than one kind of stimuli. Examples of complex nasti motion is motion to open and close stomata due to the influence of sunlight, chemicals, and water.
2. Motion tropism
Tropism is the movement of parts of a plant toward or away from stimuli. Tropism toward the source of stimulus is a positive move, while moving away from the stimulus is negative. Based on the type of stimuli that affect it, tropism can be divided into phototropism, kemotropisme, hidrotropisme, geotropisme, heliotropisme, and tigmotropisme.
a. Phototropism
Plant phototropism is caused by the motion direction of the excitatory effects of sunlight. In addition, phototropism is closely related to substances contained in the tip growing plant which is called auxin. On the side of the stem are exposed to light, the substance grows less than the side of the stem is not exposed to light. As a result, the rods are exposed to light experienced slower growth than the stems are not exposed to light so that the rod bend toward the light. Phototropism is divided into two, namely:
1) positive phototropism, is the movement of plants towards the direction of the light. Example: a mango tree leaves turn toward the direction of the light.
2) negative phototropism, is the movement of plants or plant parts away from the direction of the light. Example: The motion is away from the root tip direction of the light.
b. Kemotropisme
Kemotropisme is part of a plant movement toward a source of chemical stimuli. Example: the roots of the movement towards nutrients or fertilizers in the soil.
c. Hidrotropisme
Hidrotropisme moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of water. Hidrotropisme events, such as the movement of plant roots towards water. Example: cactus roots movement in search of water.
d. Geotropisme
Geotropisme moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of gravity. This motion occurs in the roots and stems of plants. Under the direction of motion against gravity, geotropisme divided into two, namely:
A. Geotropisme positive, is the movement toward the center of the earth. Example: Motion root growth.
2. Geotropisme negative, the motion away from the force of gravity. Example: The motion of plant stem growth.
e. Tigmotropisme
Tigmotropisme is the motion that caused the stimulation of touch objects harder. For example: The motion on the vine grapes. If sulurnya touching hard objects such as wooden pillars, there will be a contact so that the vine will knotted wood. Of touch stimulates the cells to grow at different speeds. Growth of cells in areas that touch more slowly than cells in other parts allowing vines to grow in knots. Tigmotropisme allow plants to climb with the aid of another object as a buffer at a time to grow toward the sun.
3. Motion Taksis
Taksis motion is the motion to move all or part of a plant toward or away from stimuli. Based on the type of stimuli that affect it, can taksis
divided into fototaksis and chemotaxis.
a. Fototaksis
Fototaksis is a motion to move all parts of a plant due to the influence of light stimuli. Example:
A. Euglena that are moving spot of light will move toward the direction of the light.
2. Chloroplast-to-side motion of cells that acquire the light.
b. Chemotaxis
Chemotaxis is the movement of the whole body of the plant due to the influence of chemical stimuli. Example:
A. Bacterial oxygen moving to places that contain lots of oxygen.
2. Spermatozoid on Arkegonium lumutan moss-and fern-moving because they are attracted by sugars or proteins.
2. Motion Endonom
Endonom motion motion motion endonom plant is caused by stimuli or factors derived from the plant itself. Endonom motion also called autonomic. Example: Nutasi spontaneous motion of the plants that are not caused by external stimuli. For example: Movement of cytoplasmic flow in Hydrilla verticillata water plants
3. Motion hygroscopic
Motion of the plants that occur because of changes in water content in plants continuously, resulting in very dry conditions in the skin of fruit or spores box or boxes so that the seed coat broken spores. For example: The outbreak of the fruit skin of legumes (lamtoro, peacock flower, beans, soy beans). This is due to lack of water in the skin of the fruit. Fruit skin becomes dry, cracked and broken so that the seeds eventually bounced out. Away of the outbreak of the fruit skin and seed is actually a way of plant breeding dispersive instrument. Hygroscopic motion also occurs in open boxes spore (sporangium) ferns (Pteridophyta) and mosses (Bryophyta).
Esionom motion is motion that is influenced by stimuli from outside of a plant. Under the direction of its motion, the motion on the motion nasti esionom distinguished, tropism motion, and motion taksis.
A. Motion Nasti
Nasti motion is motion of parts of a plant whose direction is not specified or directed to or from the source of stimulation. These stimuli may include touch, temperature, light, and moisture. Based on the type of stimuli that influence, the motion can be divided into termonasti nasti, seismonasti, niktinasi, and nasti complex.
a. Termonasti
Termonasti moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of temperature stimuli. Termonasti examples that occur in cold regions, such as tulips, flowers crokus, and Sakura flowers. is open because of the influence of temperature. The flowers expand if the temperature rise (spring). If the temperature is decreased then the flowers will close again.
b. Fotonasti
Fotonasti is a motion that involves some or all parts of the plant due to the influence of light stimuli. Menguncupnya fotonasti example is four o'clock flower (Mirabilis Jalapa) at the time of sunset.
c. Seismonasti or Tigmonasti
Seismonasti moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of touch or vibration stimuli. To understand the sense of movement in plants seismonasti can you do to observe the shy daughter plant (Mimosa pudica). If it leaves untouched the shy daughter plants will close and the leaves occur in a short time of about 1-2 seconds. To return to its original position, shy daughter plants takes about 10 minutes. Mechanism of motion is also caused by the influence of pressure changes.
d. Niktinasti
Niktinasti motion is motion of parts of a plant due to the influence of environmental stimuli in the evening or so-called sleep movements of plants. Examples niktinasti motion is the motion to close the leaves on the plants at night.
e. Nasti complex
Nasti complex motion is the movement of a plant part caused by more than one kind of stimuli. Examples of complex nasti motion is motion to open and close stomata due to the influence of sunlight, chemicals, and water.
2. Motion tropism
Tropism is the movement of parts of a plant toward or away from stimuli. Tropism toward the source of stimulus is a positive move, while moving away from the stimulus is negative. Based on the type of stimuli that affect it, tropism can be divided into phototropism, kemotropisme, hidrotropisme, geotropisme, heliotropisme, and tigmotropisme.
a. Phototropism
Plant phototropism is caused by the motion direction of the excitatory effects of sunlight. In addition, phototropism is closely related to substances contained in the tip growing plant which is called auxin. On the side of the stem are exposed to light, the substance grows less than the side of the stem is not exposed to light. As a result, the rods are exposed to light experienced slower growth than the stems are not exposed to light so that the rod bend toward the light. Phototropism is divided into two, namely:
1) positive phototropism, is the movement of plants towards the direction of the light. Example: a mango tree leaves turn toward the direction of the light.
2) negative phototropism, is the movement of plants or plant parts away from the direction of the light. Example: The motion is away from the root tip direction of the light.
b. Kemotropisme
Kemotropisme is part of a plant movement toward a source of chemical stimuli. Example: the roots of the movement towards nutrients or fertilizers in the soil.
c. Hidrotropisme
Hidrotropisme moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of water. Hidrotropisme events, such as the movement of plant roots towards water. Example: cactus roots movement in search of water.
d. Geotropisme
Geotropisme moving parts of a plant is due to the influence of gravity. This motion occurs in the roots and stems of plants. Under the direction of motion against gravity, geotropisme divided into two, namely:
A. Geotropisme positive, is the movement toward the center of the earth. Example: Motion root growth.
2. Geotropisme negative, the motion away from the force of gravity. Example: The motion of plant stem growth.
e. Tigmotropisme
Tigmotropisme is the motion that caused the stimulation of touch objects harder. For example: The motion on the vine grapes. If sulurnya touching hard objects such as wooden pillars, there will be a contact so that the vine will knotted wood. Of touch stimulates the cells to grow at different speeds. Growth of cells in areas that touch more slowly than cells in other parts allowing vines to grow in knots. Tigmotropisme allow plants to climb with the aid of another object as a buffer at a time to grow toward the sun.
3. Motion Taksis
Taksis motion is the motion to move all or part of a plant toward or away from stimuli. Based on the type of stimuli that affect it, can taksis
divided into fototaksis and chemotaxis.
a. Fototaksis
Fototaksis is a motion to move all parts of a plant due to the influence of light stimuli. Example:
A. Euglena that are moving spot of light will move toward the direction of the light.
2. Chloroplast-to-side motion of cells that acquire the light.
b. Chemotaxis
Chemotaxis is the movement of the whole body of the plant due to the influence of chemical stimuli. Example:
A. Bacterial oxygen moving to places that contain lots of oxygen.
2. Spermatozoid on Arkegonium lumutan moss-and fern-moving because they are attracted by sugars or proteins.
2. Motion Endonom
Endonom motion motion motion endonom plant is caused by stimuli or factors derived from the plant itself. Endonom motion also called autonomic. Example: Nutasi spontaneous motion of the plants that are not caused by external stimuli. For example: Movement of cytoplasmic flow in Hydrilla verticillata water plants
3. Motion hygroscopic
Motion of the plants that occur because of changes in water content in plants continuously, resulting in very dry conditions in the skin of fruit or spores box or boxes so that the seed coat broken spores. For example: The outbreak of the fruit skin of legumes (lamtoro, peacock flower, beans, soy beans). This is due to lack of water in the skin of the fruit. Fruit skin becomes dry, cracked and broken so that the seeds eventually bounced out. Away of the outbreak of the fruit skin and seed is actually a way of plant breeding dispersive instrument. Hygroscopic motion also occurs in open boxes spore (sporangium) ferns (Pteridophyta) and mosses (Bryophyta).
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